Carer’s Network an approved provider of DVA community nursing and attendant care services within your home.
About Veteran’s Home Care Services
The Department of Veteran’s Affairs provides a range of services to support eligible Veterans, War Widows and Widowers, and dependents to maintain their independence, health, safety, and wellbeing and to continue to live in their own home.
Veteran’s in-home care services include Personal Care, Domestic Assistance, Respite Care, and some Home and Garden Maintenance.

How We Can Help
As a registered private provider for in-home care and support with the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, Carer’s Network has a qualified and experienced team that can support you in living independently at home. We are able to provide community nursing and attendant care services
Veterans' Home Care eligibility
Eligible DVA clients may contact the relevant VHC Assessment Agency directly to determine eligibility.
Once you have determined your eligibility and what supports you may be able to access, Carer’s Network can assist with the coordination, implementation, and provision of supports.
More information about Veterans’ Home Care
You can access all the information about accessing Veteran’s Home Care in the fact sheet linked below, or contact your VHC Assessment Agency today on 1300 550 450
About Wellbeing and Support Program (WASP)
WASP is a free, voluntary program that can help you adjust to life after service. To find out more, visit the Department of Veteran’s Affairs Website:
Questions about how Carer’s Network can help
If you have questions about accessing DVA-funded in-home care, our qualified team can assist: